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What you need to know about bookings

Updated over 12 months ago

Got bookings? That's awesome. Here's what you might want to know.

As a traveler, you can choose between three different pricing models when creating a booking.

  • Hourly storage

  • Daily storage

  • Multiday storage

In this article

Hourly bookings

When it comes to hourly bookings, here's what you need to know:

  1. Activating and Deactivating Storage Timer: The storage timer should be started when the bags are dropped off and stopped when picked up. This determines the total cost of storage. To activate our bag-guarantee or insurance (optional add-on), it is required that the booking is active while the bags are being stored.

  2. Hourly Storage Rate: The hourly storage rate depends on whether the booking was made in advance, on the same day, or as a walk-in. Surge pricing and the storage location's partner level also influence the rate.

  3. Payment Completion Responsibility: The storage location is responsible for ensuring that payment is completed when the bags are collected.

  4. Automatic Timer Deactivation and Payment: Our system automatically stops the storage timer and processes the payment if the customer hasn't done so before the storage location's closing hours.

  5. Failed Online Payment and In-Shop Payment: If we automatically end the timer but cannot complete the online payment, we will make additional attempts to process the payment later. The booking will be treated as an in-shop payment if these attempts fail.

Daily bookings

When it comes to Daily bookings, here's what you need to know:

  1. Activating and Deactivating Storage Timer: The storage timer should be started when the bags are dropped off and stopped when picked up. This ensures the booking is activated and our bag guarantee or insurance (optional add-on) is eligible.

  2. Daily Storage Rate: The daily storage rate depends on whether the booking was made in advance, on the same day. Surge pricing and the storage location's partner level also influence the rate.

  3. Payment Completion Responsibility: The storage location is responsible for ensuring that payment is completed when the bags are collected.

  4. Automatic Timer Deactivation and Payment: Our system automatically stops the storage timer and processes the payment of a full day of storage if the customer has yet to do so before the storage location's closing hours.

  5. Failed Online Payment and In-Shop Payment: If we automatically end the timer but cannot complete the online payment, we will make additional attempts to process the payment later. The booking will be treated as an in-shop payment if these attempts fail.

Multi-day bookings

When it comes to multi-day bookings, here are the key points to keep in mind:

  1. Duration and Pricing: Multiday bookings involve storing bags for multiple consecutive days. The total storage cost is calculated based on the duration of the booking.

  2. Multiday Storage Rate: The storage rate for multiday bookings may vary depending on factors like advance booking, same-day booking, or walk-in. Surge pricing and the partner level of the storage location can also impact the multiday storage rate.

  3. Payment and Billing: The full payment for the entire multiday booking is processed upon pick-up.

  4. Payment Completion Responsibility: The storage location ensures that payment is completed when the bags are collected.

  5. Automatic Timer Deactivation: Our system will automatically deactivate the storage timer and process the payment when the multiday booking period ends.

  6. Failed Payment and In-Shop Payment: If we need help completing the payment online, we will make additional attempts to process it. The booking will be treated as an in-shop payment if the online payment cannot be completed.

You can see the booking duration for a multi-day booking by navigating to your Account > Your storage locations > Bookings > Active. The number of days chosen for storage will be shown next to the booking ID.

Booking notifications

You can receive a booking notification for each action associated with a booking.

  • Booking created

  • Booking canceled

  • Check-in confirmation - Storage timer activated

  • Check-out confirmation - The storage timer was deactivated and payment completed

  • The payment failed - The storage timer was deactivated, but payment wasn't completed.

Booking issues

  • Do you have bags that still need to be collected? You can navigate to your Account > Your storage locations > Bookings > Active to confirm whether you have a multi-day booking.

    The drop-off day is shown along with any active booking. You can see the estimated number of days booked for storage for multi-day bookings.

  • Were you unable to collect payment for a booking before the customer left? Identify the booking notification email associated with the failed payment in your email browser.

    Before you get in touch: Could you copy/paste the booking ID to the search bar in your email browser to look for any other emails indicating that payment was completed? If you cannot find any email notifications stating that the payment was completed, please contact support and provide the booking ID. We'll do our best to re-attempt the online payment.

Modifying a booking

When activating the storage timer the customer is asked to confirm the number of bags they want to store. Please ensure the number of bags in front of you matches the number shown in your check-in booking notification.

Customers can modify their booking up until check-in.

Booking modification can be:

  • Number of bags

  • Drop-off date

  • Pick-up date

  • Pricing model

Once the storage timer has been activated, the customer can no longer modify the number of bags, drop-off date, or pricing model.

Bookings that are on our daily or multi-day pricing model can modify their pick-up date if they are unable to collect their bags on the first date specified.

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